Tag Archives: Levette Lake

Skyline Loop, 9 Apr 2017

Chris N. on the Skyline Loop Trail:
“The Skyline Loop trail has been a spring classic for me for years. Some info on it can be found at https://www.vancouvertrails.com/trails/levette-lake-loop/. I would suggest following the loop clockwise and, unless you are keen, leaving out the 45 minute road walk up to Levette Lake and back.

The road was a bit pothole-y but easily do-able in a low-slung Honda Civic. From the parking area (at the fork to Evans Lake camp), walk 200m up the road and turn left onto a wide path that skirts the camp property. A well-used trail from the camp soon joins in from the left and leads to a communal firepit and benches. Cross 2 bridges and immediately turn right. Later, when you emerge onto an old road with a sign, turn left. Two view-points and a lot of salal-wading later, you will come back to the main road. Turn right and walk a couple hundred metres until you see a pair of red flags and a footbridge on your left. This is the second half of the loop. After the junction to Copperbush Pond, you will come to another old road. Right returns to the cars but the side trail to Silver Summit is worth it. Turn left, cross the creek and then turn right after 20m. This climbs to the best view of the hike and a great place to relax in the afternoon sun for a while. Returning to the cars from here takes 10-15 mins. This trail doesn’t seem to get many visitors these days and there was some minor windfall.”

Levette Lake, 9 Nov 2014

Stephen H. at Levette Lake:
“Fred, Gabriela, Seth, and I lucked out as the forecasted rain didn’t materialize on this hike. And what an enjoyable little fall hike it was. We took the Copperbush, Silver Summit, Skyline, and Fraser-Burrard trails, stopping for lunch at Levette Lake in the middle. As the clouds cleared, we feasted on Tantalus Range views as Fred recounted his adventures on Mount Fairweather and other treacherous peaks. An old Douglas-fir provided the final highlight as we neared the car.”

Levette Lake 06/06/09

Su-Laine at Levette Lake:
“Lots of changes to this trail since the 5th edition of 109 Walks came out in 2002! Forget about trying to count how many private roads emerge on the left on the way to the lake, and just look for the trail entrance (which no longer looks like a road) that’s immediately before the red metal gate and next to the parking lot. The Skyline trail has few red triangle markers described in the books, but lots of yellow round ones now. And the “Blue Trail” connecting the Skyline trail to the road leading to the parking area appears to have been reopened, which considerably shortens the amount of time you have to spend walking on the road. However, the 109 Walks book was very useful on this trip, especially with its detailed map that we found to be accurate.

The trails we used were dry and, despite rumours on the Internet that they’re badly overgrown, well-maintained except for at least one small bridge that looks like it might collapse any day. A few of us walked over the dry creekbed instead of taking the bridge. Even in dry conditions, you need boots with good tread on this trail though. Views of the Tantalus mountains were good, especially from the shores of the attractive Levette Lake itself. Few wildflowers were blooming, but the forest itself, with its soft floor, was lovely to hike through.”

Levette Lake 24/05/09

Heather on the Levette Lake loop:
“Kitka, Paul, Janice, Bob and Heather had a great day exploring the Levette Lake loop north of Squamish. The sun was hot, the views fantastic, the air smelled of pine trees, and the wildflowers were in bloom. One of us even went for a breathtaking swim in Levette Lake during the leisurely lunch stop. A pleasant, relaxing hike with lots of variety in the forest and look-out spots.”


Levette Lake 09/05/09

Chris on the Skyline and Copperbush Trails near Levette Lake:
“Cara, Ivy, Jennifer, Susan, and Tao joined me on a leisurely ramble around the Skyline/Copperbush trails with a sidetrip to Levette Lake. Don’t believe the bad reports for this trail that you might read on the Internet. Granted, if you plan on going in a clockwise direction, the start of the trail is tricky to find and looks a bit overgrown but it’s fine after 100 m – just watch for the painted can lids nailed to trees. The lookouts have grown in a bit (like at Diez Vistas) but the views are still great (Tantalus in your face) and the trail is quiet. Levette Lake is popular and we encountered a large car-camping group up there. Hanging out at the lake is a bit cooler than at the bluffs (like Silver Summit) to the south.”