Mt Seymour 19/04/08

Andy G. on Mt Seymour:
“Rob joined Maria and me on our last-minute snowshoe up Mt Seymour. The weather turned from ideal to perfect, and we were treated to spectacular views all round. The trail was easy to follow, and we reached First Peak just after a beautiful sunset where we were greeted by a bitterly-cold howling gale. A quick group shot and then a hasty retreat. The rising full moon was bright enough that we didn’t need our headlamps on the descent, though the lack of marker poles meant we had to keep a careful eye on the route. (In fact I wouldn’t recommend doing this at night for anyone not familiar with the Mt Seymour trail.) We paused at Brockton Point to admire the city lights before a leisurely return to the parking lot for about 10pm.”

Mt Seymour evening snowshoe, 19 Apr 2008

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