Steve v. at Gambier Lake:
“Gambier Lake is more like a full day trip including 2 ferries, waiting, and a hike. The trail itself is mostly road and seems longer than the stats might suggest. The lake is nondescript, probably not worth the effort compared to other common lower mainland lake hikes. If you do have a burning desire to see Gambier, I suggest Mt. Killam or if you want to see the lake specifically, go with interesting people that you can chat with to fill the monotony as I did.
I went with Tamara and Emeric (who are keen to join up for a Summer of mid-week trips!), and Kristy and Duncan visiting from Australia. Unfortunately Sherron missed the ferry, and most of the day was grey and drizzly (though the sun did poke out at the end). A few take-aways from our trip should you want to do a Gambier trip:
- Don’t miss the ferry!
- The ferry to Langdale you only pay for once, but the small boat to Gambier from Langdale you pay for each way ($7 x2).
- The General Store on the island seems closed (it used to be a big draw).
- At Langdale, the food booth higher up the parking lot is WAY better.
- The time estimates in most books for Gambier Lake are not generous, make sure you can get to your ferry by checking your speed often.
- Big thanks are owed to the Gambier Island Conservancy for their hard work. They are a very good resource to use if hiking there:”