Mt Killam 07/06/09

Steve on Mt Liddell Killam:
“After consulting with the Gambier Island Conservatory, we switched from our plan to hike Mt Liddell (overgrown and 2 bridges out), to the one favoured by the latest version of 103 Hikes, Mt. Killam. This trail was straightforward to find and the signage above average. The distinctive orange/silver pattern made us confident we were on the right track, and when no marker was in sight, there was plenty of trail tape. However, there was quite a bit of windfall and dry, dry, twigs to step over (no snow at all). The viewpoint was the best I’ve seen on Gambier, with views of Keats, Bowen, the Paisleys, and Langdale ferry terminal. A big thanks to a good, evenly-paced crew (5 in total) that got up super early to accommodate the ferry schedule (we hiked it in less time than expected). The weather was far better than expected as was the carrot cake from the Gambier General Store”

The view.

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