Michelle on Diez Vistas:
“Tres Hombres & Un Bebé, Más Dos >> John, Erez and Eric joined me for a fabulous day of pure sunshine and clear views of Vancouver and the lower mainland, Belcarra and Deep Cove, Seymour and the white crested neighbouring mountains and Indian Arm. We all indulged in a little sun basking and eagle watching on the bluffs at viewpoint uno after lunch – at which point we picked up two additional Wanderung fellows who joined our band for the rest of the day. Along the ridge we encountered a few stretches of snow but the patches were shallow, compact and easily tread on – save for a couple steep parts, which poles proved useful on. We still did better than book time. The trail was in great shape with next to no mud and several other groups of hikers were out on the trail. Spring is here and so is hiking season!”