Mt Seymour 06/02/10

Rob M. on an evening snowshoe to Mt Seymour:
“I had forgotten the appeal of an evening snowshoe where the visual hike is dimmed and conversation comes out suddenly from the dark. Without the big picture wrapping all around us we were kept in the moment of the snow beneath our feet. For the most part the snowpack was hiking boot enabled. With some aggressive and skilled toeing and heeling we made it to the first pump without incident. The view from Brockton Point was a nudge and carrot to carry on to the summit. The final push, while daunting at first, was approached with a spirited energy that paid off with an unlimited view of the city lighting up a low ceiling with a few starts twinkling through the canopy. The Seymour evening really lit up when two Wanderung newbies – Nadia and Shannon – offered up a warming beverage followed by sweet chestnuts and Eugene’s Belgium chocolates. With a soporific warm glow on, we floundered our way back to the parking lot. Trying to find a reasonable pub turned out to be another episode. The Raven’s Head was choc-a-bloc with wrestling fanatics. We caravaned through an industrial area around Arcteryx based on an old email someone read about a pub being in that neighbourhood.

After settling and tucking in we had a lively conversation about… silence.”

Seymour 2

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