Hayward Lake 09/05/09

Paula on the Hayward Lake trail:
“We couldn’t have wished for better weather for this hike. The group of eight were ready to embrace the day with good cheer. Initially missing the turnoff to get us on to Dewdney Trunk Road, we soon realised our mistake, it added extra travel time to reach the trail head but otherwise would be less than an hour from our meeting place at Safeway at Broadway & Commercial.

It is a well marked and maintained trail, much like Buntzen Lake but almost twice the distance. The old railway trestle bridges half emerged in the water provide an interesting backdrop for photographs as does the forest with moss covered trees, ferns etc. The Steelhead Falls was spectacular this time of year, running fast and furious, we stopped to take photos and snack at the base. Whilst we did pass a few small groups of hikers in the afternoon, it was relatively quiet on the trail. Back where we started we relaxed in the sun and contemplated taking a swim from the sandy beach.

Whilst there is not a lot of elevation the upsy/downsy trail and the 16/17 km length does provide a good workout and trail time was 4.5 hrs including our rest stops.”

Wanderung Hayward Lake May 09 001

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