Tricouni Peak 23/08/08

Ahmad on Tricouni Peak:
“Perhaps the hardest part of the hike is the 10-11 km logging road to the trail head. It is a rough road and there is a little chance that a small car can reach 8 km as it is described in 103 Hikes book. In our experience, a small car could hardly reach even 2.5 km. Fortunately, the other driver had a Jeep and the seven of us jammed inside it with his two dogs. The dogs seemed very amused how jammed we were. Perhaps they liked our camaraderie spirits. There are several turns on the way and I found the instructions of the 103 Hikes confusing. We then found out by trial and error that the road marked with ribbons is the main and the right road. The trail starts with muddy sections, which continues for next 3 km. Gaiters are a must and poles will help too to check out the best spot before you land on it. Heading to the peak requires some scrambling but I didn’t find it too technical or exposed. Perhaps we followed the easiest way up. The peak requires more scrambling but I didn’t find it hard and all of us summited. There are lots of lose rocks and I recommend helmets. We didn’t have many views because of the cloudy weather. We met few groups. One of them climbed up from Roe Creek on a demanding route. Our whole trip took 8 hours. Special thanks for our drivers Andrew and Eric. Thanks for Irina for her tips on the trail.”

Tricouni Peak 198

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