Ahmad on Overlord Mountain:
“What amazing views from Overlord! The ascend was harder than I expected. Top of Refuse Pinnacle was covered by fresh snow and its slope lured us to traverse it. It seemed it was possible from looking at it from a distance and the topo map. We traversed a long way on a series of small gullies and ridges with many loose rocks till we reached a point, we found that it was hard to continue. We decided then to climb up to its top which was a hard climb but then we were relieved to find that its narrow top ridge was a much better option. The snow made it slippery but I think if it was dry, it would have been easier. The rest of the way was easy. It took us 4 hours to go up and 3 hours to get down from Russet Lake. I also find Whirlwind Peak provides nice views and it could be a destination by itself if you don’t have the luxury of time. It is also an easier option than Fissile Peak. On Saturday we met a few small groups camping on Russet Lake including two former members from Wanderung. The four of us had an excellent weekend. No ice axe was needed to get on Whirlwind ridge. Thanks for Tim and David for their information and tips.”