Norvan Falls, 9 Apr 2015

Andy G. at Norvan Falls:
“This hike was the very first trip I organized through Wanderung in April 2005 and I could not resist re-organizing the same hike a decade later, almost to the day 🙂 Thanks to Gary signing up, I was able to get out and celebrate that anniversary.

It was another sunny day in Lynn Headwaters, and the falls made a nice destination. The sunshine in the forest was very cheery, and despite cool temperatures (we needed gloves after a few minutes hanging round at the falls), spring is definitely here. Skunk cabbage is blooming all over the place, salmonberry too. Yellow stream violets are abundant along the trail by Lynn Creek, spring beauty is out here and there, bleeding heart foliage is out but only a few flowers just now. And the birds are singing: wrens, varied thrushes, the occasional hummingbird and others I can’t yet identify.

The trail was remarkably dry, which made travel easy and fast: our hike time was 4.5 hours including a couple of snack stops. There were only a few muddy and slippery patches up in the forest between the Lynn Loop turnoff and the third debris chute. The water level was quite low in Norvan Creek which made it easy to get down by the water for some nice waterfall shots.”

Norvan Falls, 9 Apr 2015

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