Tag Archives: Yak Peak

Yak Peak, 23 Aug 2016

Andy G. on Yak Peak:
“Four of us – Tamara, Gary, Xiru, and myself – hopped into my car bright and early, and reached the trailhead in slightly under 2 hours. I wasn’t sure what to expect from the hike but it was far more enjoyable than I’d imagined. It may have Grouse Grind-like stats but it couldn’t be further from the Grind in terms of interest. Gorgeous mid-elevation forest, views, a bit of gentle scrambling, blueberries, marmots, and more views. For sure, the trail *is* steep, and would need care in a few places if wet or snowy/icy.

Despite its imposing appearance, the summit of Yak is quite safe with plenty of space to lounge around for lunch while soaking in the awesome 360-degree vista. Be sure to venture over to a bump on the way to Nak Peak (which we called the Naklet) for a stunning view of the north face of Yak. Despite being a short hike, we took our time and we were reluctant to leave. But the Blue Moose beckoned…!

Thanks to Tamara for organizing – we all had a fantastic day out.”

Yak Peak, 18 Oct 2015

Chris M. on Yak Peak:
“Going straight uphill is more popular than I expected. Six people joined me on tackling Yak Peak. Our 2 vehicles made the trip to the Coquihalla in around 2 hours. There was muted optimism that the thick fog would either lift or that we would get above it. Once on the trail it heads upwards. First through forest. Then a boulder field. Beside a small creek. Between slide alder. And finally out into the alpine. Just past halfway the clouds started to part and beautiful blue sky was revealed. It lasted about 3 minutes. Then it was back to solid fog. (Is that an oxymoron?)

Sayeed, Michelle, Dean, Tu Loan, Markus, Jon, and I chilled on the summit. No views but with good spirits. A casual and fun group. Best line of the day was “Where did all that hair come from?” and having the target person look around behind her to see what was causing all the excitement (she had just taken off her toque). It took us about 2.5 hours to get up and a little less than that to get down. During the descent we stopped to search for a dropped water bottle. The finder received an intimate hug as a reward.

Craving a beer and some food we decided to try Corky’s Irish Pub in Chilliwack. After relaxing for a bit we headed home. All of us thinking of a return trip on a clear day, and include a traverse over to Nak and Thar…”

Yak Peak 17/09/11

Irina on Yak Peak:
“The forecast looked quite discouraging for the weekend, but hoping for the famed “Coquihalla high pressure vortex”, Evgeny did a Wanderung callout. Joined by myself and one other brave soul, off we went into the never ending drizzle.

It was chilly above the tree line where we were greeted by falling snow. Better than rain, but our gloves were soaking wet and hands – freezing! September: time to start carrying ski gloves…

With visibility on the poorer side, we poked around looking for ways on or around the snow fields, eventually reaching the summit. No surprise that we no longer felt inclined to continue along the ridge to Nak, let alone Thar. For one, we couldn’t see either; for the other, the perspective of a wet snowy bushwhack down did not appeal. A unanimous decision was to postpone lunch until back in the warmth of the vehicle. So we hurried down to below the snow line, but not before adding more layers and taking a few summit pictures!

Driving through Chilliwack around 2:15pm, we encountered bright sunny skies. Wrong time, wrong place for a hiking choice this weekend :(. Yak is a very pleasant short scramble though! See Irina’s report and pictures on Livetrails.”

Yak Peak 17.09.2011 011

Yak Peak 17/10/10

Tim on Yak Peak:
“Wanderungers Tim and Meghan hiked Yak Peak on Sunday Oct 17th. Crystal clear day. Started hiking at 9:30am. Reached the summit at 11:30am (without rushing). I would rate this a very easy scramble. No snow on the trail (which is south facing) but a light dusting was found at the summit. All north facing slopes had a light dusting. We forgot our cameras, so no pictures. A lady’s watch (in good working order) was found near the summit. Contact Tim Gage (see my callout for contact info) or info@wanderung.ca if you know the owner.”

Yak Peak 15/08/10

Erez on Yak Peak:
“Susanne, Rich, Hiromi, Adriana and I woke up early on Sunday and drove on the Coquihalla to the base of Yak peak. The trailhead was pretty easy to find using the directions and way points posted on Club Tread. It was also very well marked all the way to the peak. There was almost no snow at the top. The snowfield was almost completely gone, and you could easily bypass it – no need for any special equipment. It was a great trip with a great company. Thanks a lot to Rich and Adriana for driving.”

Yak Peak 05/07/09

Ahmad on Yak Peak (instead of Mt Cheam & Lady Peak):
“There wasn’t much snow on Yak’s basin and there was no need of using ice axe. However, poles will be helpful. The snow was packed in good conditions in most sections. I scrambled up on the rocks rather than going up on the snow. The rocks allured me to be a good way. A mistake that I quickly realized. The rocks were too loose and they lack hand holds. I scouted several directions but each led to a close end or requires a difficult and lucky move. I managed to finish it at the end after more than 30 minutes. It wasn’t a good way. It was difficult and I ended up alone on the summit. On the way back, I found the proper route which was about 5-10 m away. It was fairly easy. It goes on the snow that cover the ridge. The snow seems to be steep but it is not exposed and it is actually fun. The false summit also represents a nice alternative. The other three people that I was with, chose it and they were satisfied with the views. There were also many mosquitoes and they got even more the higher we got and didn’t get rid of them even on the summit.”