Stacey at Lindsay Lake:
“Alana, Amir, Carl, Colleen, Marjolein, Maya, Natasha, Solal, Stacey, and Torsten hiked up to Lindsay Lake in the hopes of finding great views and topping it off with a swim in Lindsay Lake. The weather did not cooperate but the great company and conversation more than made up for it! The hike starts off with a steep climb for about 90 minutes (with many stops!) before it levels off with gradual ups and downs during the upper loop. We chose to take a right at the junction to walk past several small lakes first and saving the “viewpoints” for the way back. The area around the lakes can be tricky as there are junctions that take you around some of the little lakes – read the signs!! The lakes aren’t large (more like ponds really) so our longcut didn’t add too much time. There is no snow at the top, but there are some slightly muddy patches still. The mosquitos were quite bad, especially around the lakes. The hike took about 7 hours at a moderate pace and several stops.”