Holiday cycle ride, 12 Dec 2017

Steve at the Holiday Light bike ride:
“Unlike previous years, the weather window was clear and dry and spanning several days for the annual ride. We had less overall bikes, but more compliance with my “must have Xmas lights” requirement.

One Santa and 8 tiny reindeer (bikes) made the rounds from Science World to English Bay, and from Lost Lagoon to Canada Place, past the Art Gallery and to St. Paul’s (we even did an extended part to Davie Street). The route is only getting more dense with great sights.

At a combined total of 100,000 lumens, and speakers at higher decibels than ever before, we thrilled onlookers enough so some even looked up from their phones. We also picked up some extra cyclists.

Snacks and merriment were had by all making this one of my favourite holiday traditions. My metrics of success are simple – did we make people smile and laugh? Did we make them yell and wave? Did children look all confused? Yes to all, but I think less so than previous years which makes me realize that it is all that much more important to keep this tradition alive and of course add more lights!”

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