Merewyn at Hayward Lake:
“As expected, this was a fairly flat, easy hike with some ups and downs. What we weren’t expecting was that the landscape would be so gorgeous. The Railway Trail was what I expected, fairly utilitarian, but the Reservoir Trail took us up through extremely lush forests with moss-covered bridges and delightful views of the lake. The fact that it rained for the better part of the morning just made the colours of the forest even more vibrant though granted we weren’t complaining when the weather improved in the afternoon. While I do highly recommend this hike, I also have some bad news. A woman we met on the trail who works with BC Hydro says that the bridge over the Ruskin Dam that connects the two trails will be closed for a month starting next week and then this coming spring, the bridge will be closed for 3 years. You’ll still be able to hike both trails but not as a loop. If that’s the case, looks like our timing on this one was perfect!”