Brohm Lake 06/06/09

Michelle at Brohm Lake and Forest:
“This 2 for 1 hike offered a pleasant casual forest hike on a beautiful sunny day. Though the entrance to Brohm Lake Interpretive Forest doesn’t have its own sign/turning lane (unlike Brohm Lake) it’s easily spotted: after Alice Lake look for a yellow gate on your left with a signboard map right next to it. Signage/trail markers were excellent all along the two inter-linking trail systems (and nary a blow down!). The “fire lookout” offered by far the best views and proved to be a highlight and a most suitable lunch spot. The upper High Trail and Western shore trail of Brohm Lake (a surprisingly large and enjoyable lake) were the most pleasant in both terrain and lake views from above, although the easiest water access points were on the eastern bluffs close to the lake parking lot on the #99 side. You never know what’s hiding just off the shoulder of the highway.“

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