Baden-Powell Trail 22/03/09

Steve on the B-P trail between Deep Cove and Lynn Canyon:
“What a pleasant surprise! After a sunny Saturday I was wondering if I had picked the wrong day, but as it turned out, the entire weekend was great. A full load of 8 did the one-way trip starting at the east end. What shocked me was how it really was not all that muddy. We were prepared for it, but the gaiters and poles simply were not needed. Also, we may have taken a grand total of 25 steps on snow and the streams were not as high as I had expected (I wonder if this might be cause for concern in the Summer months).

Regardless, hike season without snowshoes is definitely here for those willing to stay at low elevation. This trail was chosen because it offers rain protection even on the worst days, so if you have a nice forecast, I’d suggest leaving this one for the next time it’s “iffy”.

We put up a reasonable pace with this group and had a good time meeting new people. The downside was all of the calories that we burned over 4.5 hours were replenished by ½ a donut at “Honey’s” in Deep Cove.”

Lokking over Indian Arm and Grey rock.

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