Baden-Powell Trail 18/05/09

Heather on the Baden-Powell trail:
“Seven of us decided to tackle the eastern half of the Baden Powell trail. We took the bus bright and early to Deep Cove and huffed and puffed our way up the first section to the great lookout over Indian Arm. From there is was a varied ramble across lower Seymour Mtn, enjoying the forest, crossing creeks, being in awe of the numerous trail runners and mountain bikers passing us by. After the first 13 km section, and battling our way through the tourist mobs at Lynn Canyon, we took a leisurely lunch at the coffee shop, where two of the group decided that was far enough and bussed home. The five remaining continued another 11 km to the base of Grouse Mountain, stopping to chat with other hikers and at the surprise discovery of a couch on the middle of the trail. This photo op also led to the discovery that one of the cameras had stayed at the coffee shop, but with the help of cell phones for internet surfing (while couch surfing), all was eventually restored to proper order. Total trip was nine hours long – a pleasant hike with great company!”

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